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House and Home Magazine - July 1956 - Return to Main Search
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In designing a summer house, remember these six points:

1. Food Storage

provide plenty of it. Vacationists don't want to go shopping more than once or twice a week. A big deep freeze can be very useful.

2. Built-ins

especially benches that can be converted to sleep week end guests. Put storage units underneath for extra sheets and blankets.

3. Garbage pails

should be kept far away from the house, and screened in if possible. They attract bugs, stray dogs and cats. Put in an incinerator if local ordinances permit it.

4. Outdoor lighting

is another way of drawing bugs away from a summer house.

Most gnats can get through any screening, so the way to get rid of them is to lure them away.

5. Outdoor showers

are essential, especially near the water. People want to wash off sand and mud before coming inside. Design a simple shower enclosure and provide a dry well nearby.

6. Easy maintenance

is of paramount importance.

Nobody wants to spend his summer vacation sprucing up his cottage.

Use materials and finishes that weather well,

require no upkeep, will resist rot,

termites, mildew and other summer house disasters.